1.6.2014 | 02:46
Erfiðlega gengur að ná til ungs fólks á samfélagsmiðlunum.
Umræðan á RÚV: Erfiðlega gengur að ná til ungs fólks á samfélagsmiðlunum. Lausn: rafrænar kosningar og rafrænt aukið íbúalýðræði, bara smá uppástunga en sjáum hvað framtíðin ber í skauti sér.
@HM 2014
8.11.2009 | 16:48
Punkturis er kominn á twitter
Punkturis er kominn á twitter mini bloggið sem auðvitað punkturis. Er að vinna í heimasíðunni www.litamalun.is fyrir Bjarna Þór Gústafsson málarameistara sem er annars einhver snyrtilegasti málari sem ég þekki. Hann er að stofna fyrirtækið Litamálun Málningarþjónusta.
23.2.2009 | 18:14
Saving network streams using vlc
First let me begin by saying that there is a diffrence between Windows and Linux/Debian/Unix versions and also between versions (for example 0.9x.x) of VLC according to my experience. I'm using VLC 0.9.8a. I have tried this for audio mms streams and audio http streams
1. Saving a stream using menus in windows:
Media->Save/convert->Network tab
Paste an url into address (for example: mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga) protocol comes automatically mms.
Press the Convert/Save button at the bottom. Press the top blue bar of the window if you can't see it.
Select File - > Browse -> create a filename and make sure it ends with .asf
Select Encapsulation asf/wmv, if you want to listen to the recording select Play file locally at the top
Notice the Generated stream output string it´s useful for the command line version.
:sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=L:\ras1\lau 21 feb kl 17 .asf}}
2. Saving a stream using vlc command line:
vlc -vvv --volume=0 --run-time=3600 mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst='L:\usaga\22Feb2009-2.asf'},dst=display} vlc://quit
i build this command line string using trial and error, using google: 'vlc command line', 'vlc quit' etc. But i found out that i had to compare this to "vlc -H" that is asking vlc (command line) for help using -H and reading a file named vlc-help.txt
-vvv : verbose pops up a dialog displaying warnings/errors
--volume-0 sets the volume in play not the file to 0
--run-time : tells it to run for 3600 sec = 2 hours
mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga is the stream i'm recording
:sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst='L:\usaga\22Feb2009-2.asf'},dst=display} is the Generated stream output string i got from the menu version "make sure the file name is in single quotation marks ' ... '
vlc://quit tells vlc to quit after run-time of 3600 sec = 2 hours
When i had got vlc recording to work with the command line i was able to use Win XP scheduler: Start -> All Programs -> Accesories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks, to schedule automatic recordings.
This will get you started, read the vlc -H : vlc-help.txt for more information
Regards, Sigurdur
First let me begin by saying that there is a diffrence between Windows and Linux/Debian/Unix versions and also between versions (for example 0.9x.x) of VLC according to my experience. I'm using VLC 0.9.8a. I have tried this for audio mms streams and audio http streams
1. Saving a stream using menus in windows:
Media->Save/convert->Network tab
Paste an url into address (for example: mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga) protocol comes automatically mms.
Press the Convert/Save button at the bottom. Press the top blue bar of the window if you can't see it.
Select File - > Browse -> create a filename and make sure it ends with .asf
Select Encapsulation asf/wmv, if you want to listen to the recording select Play file locally at the top
Notice the Generated stream output string it´s useful for the command line version.
:sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=L:\ras1\lau 21 feb kl 17 .asf}}
2. Saving a stream using vlc command line:
vlc -vvv --volume=0 --run-time=3600 mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst='L:\usaga\22Feb2009-2.asf'},dst=display} vlc://quit
i build this command line string using trial and error, using google: 'vlc command line', 'vlc quit' etc. But i found out that i had to compare this to "vlc -H" that is asking vlc (command line) for help using -H and reading a file named vlc-help.txt
-vvv : verbose pops up a dialog displaying warnings/errors
--volume-0 sets the volume in play not the file to 0
--run-time : tells it to run for 3600 sec = 2 hours
mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga is the stream i'm recording
:sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst='L:\usaga\22Feb2009-2.asf'},dst=display} is the Generated stream output string i got from the menu version "make sure the file name is in single quotation marks ' ... '
vlc://quit tells vlc to quit after run-time of 3600 sec = 2 hours
When i had got vlc recording to work with the command line i was able to use Win XP scheduler: Start -> All Programs -> Accesories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks, to schedule automatic recordings.
This will get you started, read the vlc -H : vlc-help.txt for more information
Regards, Sigurdur