Fćrsluflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag

Erfiđlega gengur ađ ná til ungs fólks á samfélagsmiđlunum.

Umrćđan á RÚV: Erfiđlega gengur ađ ná til ungs fólks á samfélagsmiđlunum. Lausn: rafrćnar kosningar og rafrćnt aukiđ íbúalýđrćđi, bara smá uppástunga en sjáum hvađ framtíđin ber í skauti sér.


@HM 2014


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Punkturis er kominn á twitter mini bloggiđ sem auđvitađ punkturis. Er ađ vinna í heimasíđunni www.litamalun.is fyrir Bjarna Ţór Gústafsson málarameistara sem er annars einhver snyrtilegasti málari sem ég ţekki. Hann er ađ stofna fyrirtćkiđ Litamálun Málningarţjónusta.

Saving network streams using vlc


First let me begin by saying that there is a diffrence between Windows and Linux/Debian/Unix versions and also between versions (for example 0.9x.x) of VLC according to my experience. I'm using VLC 0.9.8a. I have tried this for audio mms streams and audio http streams

1. Saving a stream using menus in windows:

Media->Save/convert->Network tab

Paste an url into address (for example: mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga) protocol comes automatically mms.

Press the Convert/Save button at the bottom. Press the top blue bar of the window if you can't see it.

Select File - > Browse -> create a filename and make sure it ends with .asf

Select Encapsulation asf/wmv, if you want to listen to the recording select Play file locally at the top

Notice the Generated stream output string it´s useful for the command line version.

:sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=L:\ras1\lau 21 feb kl 17 .asf}}

2. Saving a stream using vlc command line:

vlc -vvv --volume=0 --run-time=3600 mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst='L:\usaga\22Feb2009-2.asf'},dst=display} vlc://quit

i build this command line string using trial and error, using google: 'vlc command line', 'vlc quit' etc. But i found out that i had to compare this to "vlc -H" that is asking vlc (command line) for help using -H and reading a file named vlc-help.txt

: verbose pops up a dialog displaying warnings/errors
--volume-0 sets the volume in play not the file to 0
--run-time : tells it to run for 3600 sec = 2 hours
mms://apollo.vortex.is/UtvarpSaga is the stream i'm recording
:sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst='L:\usaga\22Feb2009-2.asf'},dst=display} is the Generated stream output string i got from the menu version "make sure the file name is in single quotation marks ' ... '
vlc://quit tells vlc to quit after run-time of 3600 sec = 2 hours

When i had got vlc recording to work with the command line i was able to use Win XP scheduler: Start -> All Programs -> Accesories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks, to schedule automatic recordings.

This will get you started, read the vlc -H : vlc-help.txt for more information

Regards, Sigurdur


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